Do you remember when you were in school and the teacher had just finished a long lesson with lots of information written on the chalk board?  When they had finished they would take the eraser and wipe out all the words or number problems they had written down.  I can remember sometimes feeling a sense of relief when all the data we were supposed to remember was finally taken away.  Thats the same feeling I get when we start a New Year.  Maybe 2010 was filled with lots of data that we would rather forget or maybe it was filled with some awesome things that challenges us going into a new season. Whatever last year held for you, the slate has been wiped clean and its time for a Fresh Start. Out with the old and in with the new. We are going to start brand new with a clean slate.  Nothing to hold us back and moving into our destiny in 2011.  Isn’t it great that God has the ability to wipe it all out and give us a brand new start. Thats exciting and I’m ready for brand new challenges this year. How about you?